簡介:電音雷克雅未克電音雷克雅未克是關于音樂革命的音樂紀錄片。電子音樂和八十年代末九十年代初的House音樂影響了整整一代音樂人。這部影片中出現的都是冰島最地下最實驗的電子音樂藝術家。準備好接受超級強烈的節奏和絕對色情的派隊的沖擊吧!不要錯過早期珍貴的舞曲音樂的影像資料和音樂家包括Anonymous,Biogen, GusGus, Ghostigital的現場!Arnar Jonasson/Zik Zak Filmworks /冰島/50分鐘/Beta SP/2008年/ELECTRONICA REYKJAVIK – dir. ARNAR JONSSONElectronica Reykjavik is the story of a revolution in music. Theelectronic and house music of the late 80′s and early 90′s has madeand affected a whole generation of musicians. A scene of mostlyunderground and avant-garde Icelandic electronic artists emerged, manyof which are portrayed in the film. Be prepared for the deepestrhythms of nature and above all a very sexy party.Featuring highly rare footage from the early days of Dance music aswell as artists such as Anonymous, Biogen, GusGus, Ghostigital andmany more.Arnar Jonasson/Zik Zak Filmworks /Iceland/50 min/Beta SP/2008/…