詳細介紹:The Good Capitalists 好資本家The fastes…The Good Capitalists 好資本家The fastest growing fortune in the world is the Norwegian state pension fund, with $ 300 billion invested in more than 7000 multinational companies. But how to stay rich and at the same time sleep well at night? The Norwegian State has a good cop/ bad cop plan. Henrik Syse is the good cop, hired by the National Bank to persuade the multinational companies into behaving better. If the companies do not listen to him, the Council on Ethics investigates the companies, kicks them out of the portfolio and their company brand is smeared in public. In the debate about the growing power of the Sovereign Wealth Funds in the world, the Norwegian oil fund is often held as an ideal because of its emphasis on ethic values. In this film we get an unique insight into their actions.世界上財富增長速度最快的是挪威的退休基金,它在全球7000家公司有三千億美元的投資。但是怎么樣才能既保住財富還能睡的香呢?挪威國家有一個好一個壞預警方案。Henrik Syse 是好的那一方,他受雇于國家銀行,任務是規勸跨國公司規矩一點。如果這些公司不聽他的話,道德委員會就會出面調查,把公司除名,并公布黑名單。在關于主權財富基金增長力討論的問題上,挪威石油基金會因為注重道德價值而永遠是最理想的。我們可以通過這個片子窺探內幕。Line Hatland / Medieoperat?rene / Norway / 2009 / 55 min / Norwegian詳情